- Former PwC Partner
- 25 Years of Experience in M&A
- Multiple Cross-Broder Transactions
- Lead PwC Russian Privatization Center
Has worked and lived in
- The United States
- Italy
- Spain
- Mexico
- Colombia
- Brazil
- Argentina
- Honduras
- Russia
- and other countries
Raul is a cofounder of PONT and a senior partner specializing in corporate finance, M&A, and technology. His expertise extends to both sell-side and buy-side cross-border transactions throughout the entire cycle of M&A.
He recently completed an important cross-border transaction involving the acquisition of a Mexican company by a French conglomerate and is one of two Partners spearheading a mega cross-border transaction between an Asian Conglomerate and a leading Mexican company.
As a former PwC Partner in the US Firm, he created PwC Consulting in Russia, focusing on Corporate Finance, M&A, and strategic consulting, playing a pivotal role in the Mass Privatization Program, funded by the Clinton Administration, which included the privatization of thousands of medium-scale enterprises, including Regional Utilities, Manufacturing Plants, Regional Banks, Telecommunications Providers, and Wholesale Distributors. He led a team of SMEs, including regulatory, legal, and M&A advisors, consultants, and technology professionals.
Raul's global experience includes working across the USA, Europe, Asia, and Latin America and leading top-tier corporate finance and strategic consulting organizations. Crossborder transactions include France-Mexico, USA-Russia, UK-Jamaica. Spain-Argentina, USA-Ecuador, and others.
Raul holds an MBA in Corporate Finance from Indiana University in Bloomington and a BSc In Industrial Engineering from The Metropolitan University in Mexico. He holds a Certificate in Business Negotiations from Yale University and a certificate in M&A from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaigninois (UIUC). He is fluent in English and Spanish with basic Russian.
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